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Conformance Dashboard
Conformance Dashboard

Type: Dashboard


  • Compare a process model with the as-is process

  • Quantify deviations with the process performance indicators, like process conformance or perfect conformance

  • Identify and monitor the unnecessary or skipped process steps

  • Identify critical process deviations

  • Flexible analysis of any given process context to validate the most effective standardization measures

Business Benefits

  • Overview and monitoring of the current process conformance level

  • Reduction of critical process deviations

  • Harmonization and standardization of processes

Interpreting the Visualizations

Key Figures

Conformance KPIs
Conformance KPIs

Use the key figures to get a quick overview of the conformance situation.

% Perfect Conformance

  • Shows the percentage of cases without a single deviation from the process model.
  • A process with 100% would have cases that are perfectly aligned with the model.

AVG % Process Conformance

  • Shows how much the current process (all cases and variants) deviate from the process model.

  • A process that does not conform to its model can deviate in a few ways. It can have added steps not in the model, it can skip steps the model requires, or it can do steps out of order.

% Unnecessary Steps

  • Shows the percentage of steps being taken in the process that are not required by the model.
  • Here it is good to check if the extra steps are in fact wasted time in the process or should be added to the model as a required step.

% Skipped Steps

  • Shows the percentage of steps in the process model that do not occur in the existing cases.
  • Here it is good to check if the skipped steps are truly necessary or can be removed from the process model.


💡 Note: Conformance deviations can help identify two things:

  • errors in how cases are being performed
  • changes that ought to be made to the model to reflect reality or a changed situation


Top Unnecessary Steps

Top Unnecessary Steps
Top Unnecessary Steps
The bar chart shows the top steps that are taken which do not show up in our model, ordered by number of occurrences.

Select one or more bars in the chart to filter the dashboard. For instance, if the top unnecessary step mostly occurs with a particular supplier or product.

Look for steps that may indicate errors in the process or change events which may indicate rework as top optimization potentials.

Reducing a particular high unnecessary step will:

  • increase process conformance
  • increase control and standardization of the process
  • reduce the complexity of the process
  • decrease the rework in the process

Top Skipped Steps

Top Skipped Steps
Top Skipped Steps
Shows the skipped steps as a percentage of cases where they occur. This can help identify which important process steps are being skipped.

Another insight could be discovering that parts of your process model do not reflect reality anymore because the process has evolved so that some steps are no longer necessary, so the model should be modified.

Improve Process Conformance By (X) Table

Improve Process Conformance Table
Improve Process Conformance Table
This table allows you to select a dimension and then see specific measures related to it. Each column can be used to sort the data to see, for example, the Spend Area with the most cases, its average percent process conformance and percent of unnecessary and skipped steps.

Reduce Unnecessary Steps and Reduce Costs Table

Reduce Unnecessary Steps and Costs Table
Reduce Unnecessary Steps and Costs Table
The number of unnecessary steps is shown, along with the AVG Time Lost and the optional Cost Saving Potential, showing two of the most important impacts that extra steps have on the process - time and money.

  • Each step in this table does not occur in the process model.
  • The columns can be sorted to show the highest number of cases or the greatest average additional time for cases that include this process step.
  • For every activity listed the table shows the number of unneccessary steps in the current process that do not exist in the process model.
  • The Time Lost shows the average/median additional time for cases that included these unneccessary activities.
  • The last column gives the Cost Saving Potential if the given unneccessary step would be eliminated.
  • The columns can be sorted to identify the activities with the highest numbers to help prioritize where you should take action.
    • A step that only occurs in a small number of cases, but adds a large amount of time to the process, may not affect many people, but will skew your averages and could also mean losing customers or suppliers when they occur.
    • Identifying Unnecessary steps that occur in a large number of cases and also have a moderate impact on time lost could have a broader impact overall.

Additional Analysis

Happy Path Description-Button

The happy Path Description Button in the Filterbar
The happy Path Description Button in the Filterbar
You can find this button next to the filter buttons, right above the toolbar on the top of your toolsheet. It lets you filter and see the defined happy path(s) or desired process path for this process.